
A command line password manager

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Here you can download x86_64 binaries


Command line arguments

There are two optional command line arguments that you can use.
Use of these arguments skips the start menu.
-n <filename> creates a new password database
-o <filename> opens an existing password database


Clone the repository using git clone --recurse-submodules

Using Make (Linux, Windows w/ MSYS2, macOS)

  1. To compile, run $ make
  2. On Linux, to install, run # make install
  3. On Linux, to launch the installed program, run $ PasswordManager


  • g++
  • glibc-devel-static

Using CMake (Linux, Windows w/ MSYS2, macOS)

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..


  • glibc-devel-static

Using Visual Studio (Windows)

  1. Launch Visual Studio and open the cryptlib.vcxproj project located inside the lib\cryptopp directory
  2. Go to Build->Batch Build...
  3. For the project cryptlib select the Release configuration and build it
  4. Launch Visual Studio and open the PasswordManager.sln solution located in the main directory
  5. Select the Release configuration and build it


Password databases are encrypted with AES-256-CBC.
Key derivation function is PKCS5 PBKDF2 HMAC with SHA3-256 hashing.


This software is provided under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3.0.